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RGC’s district hosts The Garden Club of Georgia annual convention this year. I’m a co-chairman of the event. My areas of responsibility include door prizes, raffles, ways & means, and registration. RGC members have been busy working behind the scenes to help prepare for the convention. During the convention we will be busy helping with the event and attending activities. I thought you’d like a glimpse of some of the behind the scenes prep work.

Our RGC members and Dogwood District members have been busy sorting donations, creating and assembling 52 baskets, 20 door prizes, silent auction, and ways & means. I am very proud of our members who have come out to volunteer. Also, I’m proud of all our ladies who have signed up for volunteering at Convention.

Basket makers

Notice the work area of donated items to assemble into baskets and bags


There was plenty of work for everyone who could help






My husband Wade’s aunt of 86 years old painted this original acrylic painting just for the Silent Auction Convention. She is so excited to contribute something to the Convention.


Bags and baskets are ready, tickets are counted, and we are ready to celebrate Garden Week in Georgia at the annual convention!