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Mary Ann Booth Cabot, nationally acclaimed nature artist and longtime member of the Roswell Garden Club, passed away peacefully February 6. One member of the club remembered her with these words, “She was so talented, kind, and had such a darling sense of humor.” Another said, “Mary Ann was an incredible woman, an outstanding artist, and a great gardener. She will be missed by all who knew her.”

Mary Ann was a strong, energetic woman who led an incredible life. Mary Ann said that she never forgot her childhood walks in her grandmother’s garden, a garden so colorful that bowls of her flowers decorated the family church every Sunday. “As a child, I spent hours in that garden. Today, when I paint flowers, birds, and landscapes, I recreate the peace and harmony I felt there.”

One RGC member shares “I remember meeting Mary Ann when she was a very young artist just starting her career. She was set up in a park in Savannah and I purchased her black and white Aunt Odie’s Porch. She was wearing jeans, a peasant top and her hair was in a ponytail. Her style of painting and her personal style would grow and change over the years, but even in her youthful days she had a radiant smile and caring personality that drew people to her. Over the years I admired her as she faced life’s issues with determination and inspired many.”

As RGC’s second vice president and program planner for one and a half terms, Mary Ann brought us many entertaining and informative speakers. In addition, she graciously filled in at the last second when one speaker was a no-show. With great aplomb, Mary Ann illustrated, on paper towels, how to use light and rhythm when designing a garden. Her knowledge and artistry were evident in her gardens.


Through her work as an artist, teacher, and mentor, Mary Ann made a difference in the lives of so many. We were lucky to have Mary Ann in the Roswell Garden Club family. Her shining personality and artistic legacy will live on in our hearts.